Zephyr in my head…
Its 2 am… sleep is a luxury I cant afford… my head hurts... my eyes are begging to be shut... but the mind is awake and privy to a million thoughts… memories like the zephyr rush in.. Beautiful... and fresh... it brings with it... everything that’s passed me by... its just me and all these thoughts rushing in… the snow… the rain… the one line mails.. the cig that’s smoked till it begs you to stop the drunken stupors... the cold... the midnight sun... the hours at my study…doing nothing but gazing beyond the window…searching for answers to questions which didn’t exist…
Words are like threads…stitched together to form a veil for one’s existence... I remind my self... that I have come a long way... a long way from what I didn’t want… but this mind just plays it all in my head over and over again.. I smile just thinking these memories shall last forever...