I do remember the first time I put a smoking pipe to my lips, I was a wee kid going through my dad’s study, my dad by then had quit smoking, and the pipe was a relic of his exuberant past. It tasted different, but it felt good.
Many moons later, and this is after I had been smoking a cigarette for a few years I decided to buy my self a pipe, back then I hardly earned and investing in a pipe was an uphill task. Despite the odds, I ended up buying myself a beautiful walnut wood pipe.
Life was different, smoking a pipe was an art and I am not sure if I ever got it right, but it was an experience unparalleled. Unfortunately, a few years back a flat mate in Glasgow sat on my pipe and thereby rendered it useless.
I never got around to buying one again, there were many a reasons, I never found a walnut wood pipe and I never gave it top priority, cigarettes got me by just fine.
Till this afternoon, when I was walking in Lyon, a chanced upon a shop dealing with the best pipes I had ever seen, and after much deliberation I did end up buying one.
So it feels good to be a pipe smoker again