Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Part III-
Musing on Saturday Evening…

A Life Less Worth Living

A winter that never ends, a night that never sees the light of the day, caught in a flux life seems to have come to stand still... a year and you forget what it feels to have the summer sun breathing down your neck or the sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.
A year to date in this prison… and you search for those simple reasons to live everyday… you dream for that sun to rise... but it’s just a dream... you walked away from a life you once called your own... only with the hope to be back soon, but even before you knew it, you found yourself marooned on this island... in this prison… the life you left behind moved on, while you stood there only to find yourself picking up those pieces.
You spend many long nights here in this cell, alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts time can draw out like a blade
You find yourself caught in the path of a tornado, but you live with the hope that no storm lasts forever, but slowly you find yourself losing that hope, some one once said… get busy living or get busy dying and now you cant make that simple yet stifling choice…

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