Rediscovering my Angst
It takes a lot to rub off the rust that erodes the sensibility of this once wasted now almost redefined existence of mine. It’s taken a long time actually 32 days of this self imposed hiatus to be able to pen down my thoughts once again.
Glasgow seems like a distant dream or maybe even a blatantly cold nightmare and frankly the last month in this self imposed exile I haven’t missed it even a wee bit. The hours spent trying to heal those wounds which I once thought would never heal have been the breath of fresh air I have longed and hoped for.
It’s just me now, a cup of coffee, a pack of untouched smokes, a light, the common cold, my long disheveled hair, 3 day old stubble and I am all set to let the words flow. But this is where the writers block creeps in. Too many thoughts and way too many ideas rush through this wee head of mine. Let me see, what or who should I write about? The cops who waited patiently for me at the airport on my arrival or should I write about the window I looked out of in that quaint eatery high in the Himalayas or maybe even that face that never was?
But I’d rather talk and wrte about my new found angst towards the news channels which have in the name of free speech and democracy blatantly raped the ethos of News programming. These so called quasi upholders of our democracy seem to have taken over the role of not only the executive but also the judiciary. Where news anchors are the new self proclaimed judges of a morally estranged society, which thrives on the blood of many hapless innocents, where these very rapists want to execute every innocent for crimes they have allegedly committed, where they end up raping a nation under the veil of democracy. Who ever gives them the right to pronounce someone guilty of a crime which he might or might not have committed? If that being the case why have judges, lawyers and courts in the first place. Let’s shut them all down and let these stupid news channels decide and dictate the fate of the few who have inspired the fancy of these fascist bastards. I wish it ended there, but no, if they are not busy convicting someone then they dig out news which I am sure is the only source of entertainment for the many who seem to have fallen into this erstwhile trap laid out by these very rapists and fascists, where they spend a whole day broadcasting a fat baby and what he eats, or how about the holy communion of two dogs, yes you read that right, two fuckin dogs that sure as hell is breaking news, especially when they call in an animal activist who even argues her case of defending the 50 lakh that was spent on the above mentioned communion on the grounds of compassion, all while people and farmers in Maharashtra are starving and busy killing them selves Like some one please shoot that bitch.. Is that news, someone pleases tell me is that freaking news?
Like really… I could have changed channels flipped to something more sensible, but they all sang a song which was worse than the other. It was choosing between the lesser evil. News is no longer something we all viewed to find out things worth finding out about.
I of all don’t want to flip to a news channel which is interviewing this man who can allegedly mimic crows. For Petes' sake now just coz all of us can mimic dogs and cats does that entail that we will be featured on news channels?
Breaking News. A man from Dehradun can bark.
But the story that took the cake was the interview of this deranged bitch who claimed she could transform her self into a snake every morning. Someone please tell those news channels that the woman was obviously either deranged or smoking some shit. But no, apparently it was important enough to be telecasted as breaking news. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Though for now, I guess I have vented enough and should get back to some more constructive musing ….
Media works both ways darling. Jessica Lall and Priyadarshini Mattoo got justice coz of the media to a large extent. So....
right so just coz ya can save some does not give ya the right to kill the others. its high time this God damned media in our country stops playing God. For fuck sakes screw all those news channels out there.
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