Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Vicious Circle of Perversity…

Well... it’s a strange state of mind I find my self in... maybe it’s a negative perspective... or maybe I am just being a complete cynic... but these are thoughts which have plagued me for the longest time and the current developments on the world scenario make me sit back and ponder over the same for hours at end.

Well to start this analogy it only seems fair to mention about doctors, we all refer to medicine as being a noble profession and I am not attempting to challenge this viewpoint at any point of this discussion but, is it really all that noble? I mean what do doctors survive on? People falling sick, dying and if that ever stops happening (which I am sure it never will)... how will doctors earn their bread? Really think about, don’t then doctors somewhere along the line hope or sometimes even pray for people falling sick?( I am sure most will disagree with me on this) Isn’t that a wee bit perverse especially in the context of the same being referred to as a noble profession?
Strange don’t you think… the same person treating you was actually hoping for you to fall sick… but it doesn’t end there…that’s just the beginning of a vicious circle this world finds itself being a victim to. Criminal Lawyers…along the some comparative perspective sure hope for more people to commit crimes, which would entail them earning their bread and I am sure to vouch for that, the time ( a few years back )when my practice had gone down I used to wonder why aren’t people committing crimes and why aren’t they being caught. Maybe it was just me... maybe I am evil… but at the same time I can vouch for a lot of colleagues who thought along the same lines.

Frankly all of us in some way perverse way hope for the worse for others and survive on the same. The world survives on the miseries of others. We can look at the current humanitarian laws and mechanisms aimed at the protection of human rights, and these would include NGO’s, Governments and even the UN, they all survive on the miseries people have to go through. I mean it would be hard to imagine NGO’s working and making money in the Andaman’s if the Tsunami hadn’t struck the islands and killed millions. If that being the case the number of people employed to work for them would have been looking for alternative employment opportunities. Don’t get me wrong here, I am sure most if not all agencies working in affected areas did provide humanitarian aid (that being a debatable issue especially keeping in mind that most NGO’s bought every affected family a boat instead of providing them with food or working on the development of infrastructure as the budgetary year ending was close and expenditures had to be shown to the funders…but this is not a critical view on the working of NGO’s so we shall leave this as an open ended piece of information), but at the same time, they would have never been able to work in those areas and people would have never been able to make money had the Tsunami not destroyed most of the islands mentioned above.

This just being the tip of the iceberg of how this world thrives on the miseries of the others, now just for a few minutes lets shift our focus to the other disasters that could have been avoided or those which didn’t entail the fury of nature thus making them avoidable. Ever thought why civil wars across many African and South east Asian countries still burn bright? The simple answer to the same is the never ending supply and market for weapons. Logically if there didn’t exist a cheap supply for the above mentioned arms so used in these conflicts the numbers of lives thus lost would be far less and the inaccessibility of the same would have made the fighting of these wars impossible and economically unviable , doesn’t that then entail that these wars are nothing but an outcome of the greed of a few who run the arms trade, and this is just the beginning of this bloody viscous cycle. Once a war runs its course, the UN and other agencies rush in to provide humanitarian aid and assistance and helps in the setting up of expensive international criminal tribunals so as to try the perpetrators of the bloody war so fought. Doesn’t all this thus entail that millions of dollars are spent for the appointment of judges, specialists, social workers, lawyers and peace keepers who eventually earn their living all through the miseries of the people who have been nothing but victims of the greed of those who care nothing about innocent human lives but just on the aspects of filling their deep pockets.

Why is it then that the UN and other developed nations (which happen to be the largest suppliers of arms in the world) ever work towards the pre emptive prevention of mass human rights atrocities? Why do then countries like the US and UK encourage Israel to continue its illegal war against Lebanon, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out…guns and F -16s all cost money.. and Israel’s illegal war is nothing but a cash machine running amuck for rogue nations like the ones mentioned above. At the same time and as we all know UN (US’s lill puppy dog) thrives on illegal wars and mass atrocities, ever wondered what would happen to the thousands of handsomely paid UN officials if there was a constant state of peace and prosperity, they would probably sit in their offices in New York and plan the next big atrocity.

Bottom-line... we are all perverse in our thoughts …every NGO, every developed nation... you and me…no one wants world peace... not even the news channels…BBC and CNN would all have to shut shop if there wasn’t a crisis…if there wasn’t a genocide or a sensational crime against humanity or even a war to cover. We as humans survive on this perverse existence and wouldn’t know what to do if we didn’t wake up to blood.

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